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Lesson 257: The Battle of Jericho

Updated: 1 day ago

Josh. 5:10-15; 6

Full Lesson HERE

INTRODUCTION. As the children of Israel camped at Gilgal while preparing for their battle at Jericho, the Lord commanded Joshua to circumcise all the males. Those born during the wilderness wanderings had not been circumcised as God had required in his covenant with Abraham (Josh. 5:2-9).

On the fourteenth day of the month the people kept the Passover, then on the morrow they ate parched grain which was the produce of the land and unleavened bread. The day after eating the produce of the land, the manna ceased-the bread that God had provided for Israel during their forty years of wilderness wanderings. (Josh. 5:10-12).

As Joshua scouted the city while preparing for the battle at Jericho, a Man with a drawn sword appeared to him. Joshua asked the Man if He was a friend or foe. The Man told him He was captain (prince, commander) of the host of the Lord. The Man (perhaps the Son of God, for Joshua fell to the ground and worshipped him, and He is called the Lord in Josh. 6:2) assured Joshua that Jericho was given to him (Josh. 5:13-15). He then gave instructions to Joshua for capturing the city (Josh. 6:1-5).

God's plan for the capture of Jericho-the order of procession and instructions:

  • All the armed Israelite men of war shall lead the procession;

  • Seven priests blowing seven trumpets of ram's horns shall follow;

  • The priests bearing the ark shall come next;

  • The multitude of people shall march in the rear in silence;

  • The procession shall compass the city once for six days;

  • The seventh day the procession shall compass the city seven times;

  • The seventh time when the priests blow the trumpets, the people shall shout;

  • The walls of the city will then fall down flat, and the army shall enter the city;

  • All that were in the city shall be destroyed except for Rahab and her family;

  • All the gold and silver and the brass and iron vessels in the city shall be given to the treasury of the Lord, the people shall not keep any spoil for themselves.

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