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Lesson 247: Nadab and Abihu

Updated: Jul 23

Lev. 10:1-11

Full Lesson HERE

INTRODUCTION. When the Lord gave Moses the laws and the pattern for building the tabernacle, He also gave him instructions for establishing the Levitical priesthood. The Lord appointed Aaron, who belonged to the tribe of Levi, as high priest. Aaron, his sons, and their descendants were given the responsibility of the priesthood offering the burnt

sacrifices, leading the people in worship, and teaching them the laws of God. All priests

therefore were Levites and descendants of Aaron.

God chose all other Levites, those who were not direct descendants of Aaron, to be in charge of the tabernacle-setting it up, taking it down, transporting it, caring for it, etc. They were also authorized to assist the priests in their duties and functions in the worship of God.

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